Ever wanted to look under the hood at what it takes to hold space for the simple act of inviting you all to come sit in hot water?

We often say that we are just a bunch of very normal people who have gone to very great lengths to take a dip.
Well, here is a transparent glance at what those lengths end up looking like.
For 5 years, 100% of our profit has been re-invested into two areas:
1. Your experience
2. Our team.

This has allowed us to avoid banks, stabilize an off grid center cursed with previous decades of foreclosure & most unexpectedly, to create livelihoods for hardworking hustlers who are heaven bent on making a living while also living.
As far as businesses go, we’d like to think that guests appreciate having a transparent invitation to see where soaking dollars are re-invested.
By the numbers, we are ~ 20 staff who, in 2023, dedicated 15,106 hours to pool cleaning, housekeeping, human hosting, weed weeding, tree watering, project building, conflict resolving, need accommodating, yurt raising, yoga teaching, hike guiding, event hosting, retreat leading, & life changing MAGIC.
As a whole, thats enough to generate 629 days around the sun slinging hot water at a pace to fit inside 365 days of enjoyment.
Overall, it takes 1.72 YEARS of 24 hr care to create 1 year of 12 hr partaking.
Put another way, consider this - with our team on average making $18/hr (well above the Idaho min), that totals up to over $315,000 of dipping dollars to make it all happen.
This is what circular economies look like. We have guests who loan us money & make interest on that loan while soaking in pools next to guests who work here & get paid to make those pools clean only to have other guests join them in the waters & partake in the fruits of their labor by supporting as a daily soaker or nightly stay guest.
It all adds up to an artful exchange of work, rest, reinvestment, and reciprocity.
Behind the scenes, there is an engine of organization, laundry, power production, team coordination, and laugh-out-loud winging it that makes it all happen.