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Leap into Life | Adventures for Your Extra Day

Once every 4 years, we grant ourselves an extra day in February.


⁠The question is, how will you spend it?

Added up over a decade, that one bonus rotation around the sun amounts to 60 hours that we don't normally plan on. ⁠

⁠While time, in this sense is a total mind trick of an illusion, tomorrow does serve as a humble reminder and reflection that each and every day is a miraculous

opportunity that confronts us with a question...⁠


⁠How we will spend it?

On phones?

The average individual spends 2 1/2 hrs a day on social media alone. ⁠

⁠On TV?

We spend, in some cases, almost 5 hrs a day streaming into the void.

⁠In cars?

In the US, we spend over 1 hour a day and in some cases, almost 11 hours a week in a car.⁠


⁠Our time, escapes us.


Over our life, that can add up to almost 15 YEARS of non-living. ⁠

But, on one day, we can see it for what it is.

A concept that we can reclaim and repurpose.⁠

⁠What could tomorrow look like?

Sure, you could call in to your work and snag one of our last available spaces for the night or pop in to join a soak.

But, you could also just put down your phone for the day and take a look around. ⁠

⁠You could pick your kid up from school early and have a conversation about their favorite class right now. ⁠

⁠You could surprise your partner and hand deliver flowers.

You could bike tomorrow and use that hour to move your body in a neighborhood instead of losing your mind in a traffic jam. ⁠

⁠You could wake up extra early and go for a walk.

Take a long lunch and read a book.

Set aside an entire evening to shop for ingredients and cook a meal. ⁠

⁠You could also just take 5 minutes to close your eyes and delight that tomorrow is a once in a 4 year solar calendar anomaly that screams...



⁠Whatever you choose to do tomorrow, we hope every hour feels like a gift.

Cause this year, it is. ⁠

Until next time, enjoy your extra day on Earth! ⁠
Until next time, enjoy your extra day on Earth!

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