Happy Mother’s Day to all the life makers out there.
On any given day, our land is more often than not wandered by women. So, naturally, our take on Mother’s Day is in part our take on what we see on a daily basis.
Every human experiences this day of recognition with a common origin - we all have a mother, bliss and baggage aside, to honor and bear witness to.
Yet not every woman is able, chooses, nor has meandered the life path to become a mother in the traditional sense.
We take a universal delight in knowing that the entire human species can relate, in their own way, to a fluid idea of motherhood. We can all take a moment to smile at the luck, happenstance, care, and perhaps even chaos, found in the relationships with our own mothers.
On the other hand, we can also expand, just a hint, our awareness of what it actually takes to make a life.
A life well made, lived, and loved takes Mother’s sure, but it also takes teachers, community mentors, sage neighbors, tradition keepers, ritual passers, and even how to brush your hair and tie your shoe helpers and friends.
It takes a fabric of feminine collaboration to weave together each and every one of us. So today, we can’t help but celebrate the many roles that blend together to embody motherhood in our communities.
A motherhood untethered just a bit from the biological rite of bearing a child. One instead anchored into the many roles required to make a life.
Cause if we’re being honest, these women, formal and not, often form the feminine sisterhood that steps in and steps up when the daily nurturing of maternal biology requires that extra push of support.
Thanks for making lives in our communities, we hope you know who you are. We sure do.