“Hey, neighbor! Do you know if any teenagers around here want to mow our lawn and make a few bucks?”
Neighbor: “I’ll have to give it some thought.”
Fast forward to 8 am the next morning, when we spotted said neighbor “giving it some thought” by mowing our lawns.

We all too easily portray that we are on top of things in life, and certainly as we gear up to re-open, but this gesture from our new neighbor is a reminder that it’s always worth reading between the lines and finding ways to help others out.
You see, he knew that if we didn’t find someone to help mow these lawns, in a matter of days, we would have a new problem on our hands.
What did he say when we ran out to greet him? “ Y’all got enough to worry about—this first mows on me.”
Next time you drive down to Maple, you be sure to show respect to folks like him, cause without him, Maple wouldn’t exist at all.