For now, we remain open. With a twist.
This is what uncharted waters look like. To stay or go. To open or close. To buy or sell. To worry or not. To give or take. To hoard or conserve. To panic or breathe.
It’s all on the table because every business, family, and individual has a micro world to consider. And yet, there is a macro universe to which we all have a responsibility.
There are norms that must become, for a hot minute, normal.
We consulted national, state, and local policy. We shared our observations and feelings as staff and listened to our neighbors, customers, and stakeholders.
What we are hearing is that now, more than ever, people can benefit from a crowd-free space to clear their minds, ground their feet, and move forward. And in order to responsibly offer that, here is what we are doing:
All nightly guests with existing reservations can cancel reservations for a credit. Many have done so, and we are blocking out units to maintain a guest presence below 15 people. Group Yurt rentals have been closed for the upcoming two weeks.
We are limiting daily soakers to no more than ten at any point. All guests must call and schedule their time before arriving. Our typical guest presence at one time is often below ten.
We firmly ask that anyone with mild symptoms please stay at home.
Lastly, we have redesigned our units to remove all non-essential bedding and have implemented a tight approach to disinfecting.
Whether things change in the coming days or not, we are also committed to keeping our staff employed. Our 45 acres have no shortage of projects, and we intend to stay grounded, focused, and above all else, safe.
Going with the flow is foundational to who we are.